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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

__~~~{ Magetan city history}~~~__

In 1645 Sultan Agung of Mataram Hanyokrokusumo King died. he was succeeded by his son named Sultan Amangkurat Iyang throne of Mataram Kingdom. years 1646-1677 differ from his late father Sultan Amangkurat Ibersifat weak against the VOC, even willing to cooperate with the Dutch Company, giving rise to the disappointment of many parties, especially the clergy 'and regions overseas. here there are many who rebelled.
At one point or Wet Wet Gondokusumo Seeds, namely Mataram and its relatives palace prince Nrang Kusumo Patih expelled by the sultan of Mataram Amangkurat I have been accused of union with the rebels. Wet Gondokusumo sentenced to exile in Semarang, at the residence of his grandfather who called Wet Suryaningrat. While Prince Nrang Kusumo then went meditating into the area east of Mount Lawu. Finally Wet Gondokusumo together with wet suryaningrat go to the east of Mount Lawu looking for new settlements. Ki Ageng Mageti here by the origin of this region alone, he was given a piece of land to settle. after steady state which he granddaughter mewisuda suryoningrat Wet Gondokusumo became ruler in this new place with the title "Yosonegoro", which became known as the Regent Yosonegoro ie on October 12, 1675, is the new land was named "Magetian" because the land is as a service delivery Ki Ageng Mageti.
Events coronation as the first regent was signed by Warsa Sangkala 'manunggaling TASTE Suko HAMBANGUN ", Magetan area is an area that borders the west by mountains to the southwest Lawu a row Sidaramping, Mountain and Mount Kukusan Jabolarang bordering Karanganyar district of Central Java, in the north is the mainland that leads to bumpy ride east to west to the foot of Mount Lawu bordering Ngawi District, south is the lowland adjacent to Madison County. Magetan River that cuts the region into two parts, starting from the base source under Cemorosewu, Mount Kendil and Mount Sidoramping is gandong River which is a historic path full of mystery and sprinkled with ancient tombs, in Magetan many historical relics found in the form of ruins of ancient buildings and petilsan building former center of government.
For example: Petilasan grave in Hamlet Supo professor looked at the Village District Plumpung Plaosan. ancient relics made of andesite stone in Hamlet Sadon Village District Cepoko Panekan a temple named Candi Sadon. Petilasan Pengger in Hamlet Village Pengger Bedagung Panekan District. at the peak of Mount Lawu there Pawon petilasan Sewu (berundak punden), Argo Dalem, etc. Spring Drajat. Which is estimated from the final form of wells and mosques Majapahit.petilasan ancient walled historic former district government center Purwodadi are above ground area of approximately 4 hectares with former gapuro Magetan.
Magetan ancestral tomb (Patih Nrang Kusumo and Patih Ngariboyo II) in Hamlet Village Njelok Bulukerto Magetan City and the tomb of Duke Kanjeng Purwodiningrat, lane-in-law in the Village District Pacalan Plaosan is also historical evidence.
Astana tomb in the village Gedhong Tambran Sub contained the tomb of Duke City Magetan Yosonegoro which was closely related to the historical chronicle Magetan. in the tomb Sasonomulyo Kapolorejo Town Village Hamlet Sawahan there Magetan meals Magetan regents and many more tombs are scattered in areas that are still sacred.
Judging from its location Magetan a border area between Central Java and East Java, the daily language, customs and culture a lot of influence from the region of Central Java Solo / Surakarta and surrounding areas than in other East Java. the more translucent lines between Magetan Karanganyar regency in Central Java passing Cemorosewu southwest slope of Mount Lawu and through the forests, closely related to the historic road over the centuries. How to to create a region called the Magetan? The following history:
Until the 1645 death of Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo, then Amangkurat I replace him as the king of Mataram in the year 1645-1677. Unlike his father who bersukap firmly expel the Dutch Company, Amangkurat I was very weak and willing to cooperate with the Dutch Company (VOC).
In 1646 Amangkurat Imengadakan agreement with the Dutch Company which is very detrimental to Mataram. The contents of the agreement include Mataram recognize the position of the VOC in Batavia (Jakarta), Mataram, while free trade everywhere except on the island of Ambon, and Ternate Bansa. Because the islands are rich in spices. with recognition of the position of the VOC in Batavia, the Batavia Mataram free from the threat of diminishing returns. Mataram is no longer trading as seida kala. Shipping trade is restricted by the Company so that the kingdom of Mataram no longer berwibwa and Kawulo Alit be miserable. Wisdom Amangkurat I was led to the emergence of a sense of disappointment from many parties, especially the areas around the world.
Giri Prince of influence in northern coastal areas of Java island berisap ready to break away from the power of Mataram. He was very disappointed by the actions of this king of Mataram. Similarly, a prince from Madura island named Trunojoyo that does not stand to see his uncle prince Tjakraningrat II too ignore Madura and only participate to have fun at the government center of Mataram, immediately launched a rebellion against Mataram (1674). pemberontakant was eventually supported by the people of Makassar. The war between the soldiers and Trunojoyo Mataram
was inevitable, so many casualties from both sides.
At the time of the kingdom in such a chaotic situation of a relative named Wet Gondokusumo Mataram palace known as wet or seeds with a governor named nrang Kusumo Mataram accused unite with the opposition and the rebels who oppose Amangkurat I. Top accusations Wet Gondokusumo sentenced exile in Semarang in his grandfather's residence where the Wet Suryoningrat. While Patih Nrangkusumo stepped down as governor and then meditated in the mountains east Lawu. some time later his grandson took suryoningrat wet (Wet Gondokusumo) went away to the east of the mountain Lawu. he chose this place because to accept that the east of the mountain forest tripe Lawu are underway, led by Buyut alone named Ki Ki Suro, who then holds Ageng Brittle. Those people are very obedient and diligent in carrying out forest tripe. Likewise Suro Ki Buyut patiently assist those who work the forest slash vigorously implemented by order of Ki Ageng Mageti the forerunner of this region. Ki Ageng Magetan Mageti is a son that has many advantages. He is a figure of a wise, wise, virtuous, pious and have kawaskithan behave. what's it all belongs solely to the interests Kawulo, both region and Kawulo Magetan njaban rangkah. because of the nature of such a grand reason the Ki Ageng Mageti highly respected and can be used as a role model for Kawulo and each other.
Then Suryoningrat and Wet Wet Gondokusumo meet Suro Ki Buyut hutan.keduanya tripe that was intended to ask for a piece of land for a master bermukim.karena forest area is Ki Ageng Mageti, then to acquire this land and Wet Wet Suryoningrat Gondokusumo invited to meet Suro Ki Buyut with Ki Ageng Mageti at his residence in the area gandong Kidul (South gandong hamlet) precisely around the square Magetan today,
The meeting between Wet Suryoningrat with Ki Ageng Mageti this intimate followed by heated debate on a statement.sandi given by Ki Ageng Mageti to Wet Suryoningrat. Once he can answer correctly and accurately password palace statement that expressed by Ki Ageng Mageti, finally Ki Ageng Mageti sure that Wet Suryoningrat is not a palace but an elder relative of the Mataram kingdom. Finally he was given a piece of land for settlement, located to the north of the river in the village of precisely gandong Tambran as a safe and peaceful place to aegis of the ancestors of Mataram. once established in this new place Suryoningrat Wet Wet Gondokusumo raised her grandson is a ruler in a new place with the title "Yosonegoro" later known as the Regent Yosonegoro, regents Magetan the first time.
Regent Graduation Yosonegoro by Wet Suryoningrat with the capitulation of a keris. Graduation celebration party took place in a simple regent. Thanksgiving is marked by cutting cone by Wet Suryoningrat given to Yosonegoro and attended by the local community. government area is called Magetan, because the event is happening this Magetan districts for the provision of land from the Ki Ageng Mageti the new area was named City Mageti, having the addition of "an" becomes Magetian, eventually changed its name to Magetan until now

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